Sdl Studio PowerShell toolkit is now open source

Starting from today Sdl Studio powerhsell toolkit is open source and you can find it on github. The toolkit was written to facilitate scripting of the Project Automation API which comes with SDL Studio. Until now this was kept on the SDL internal TFS and you where only able to get it by going to the community forum. At this point you might ask yourself what's going to change from now on since the toolkit was freely distributed until now?


The project is now hosted on github in this location. The internal TFS will no longer be used so this means that every change that will be made to the toolkit will be made on this repository including changes done by Sdl developers. Also this allows any interested developer to contribute to the toolkit.

Public releases are also hosted on github and you can be find them here. You are now able to download the entire toolkit or just one of the modules.

Open source

Open source it's not at all equal to free, it's much more than that. Yes you don't have to pay any money for this toolkit but from now on is not only Sdl's responsibility to maintain this toolkit, it's also the responsibility of each toolkit user or developer. To be a bit more specific if you find bug or want a new feature you can log it here but don't necessarily expect someone from Sdl to resolve the issue, it might be anyone from the community or even you.

Another important aspect that comes with open source is that every change you made to this toolkit has to be made open source. It's not mandatory to be made in the same repository but it has to be open source. I would encourage everyone to contribute to this repository and make the resolved issues available to everyone.


Contribute to Sdl Studio PowerShell toolkit from here or download the latest release from here.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback.